The Words Of A Successful Loser

This is the personal blog of a weight gain victim looking to de-victimize herself once and for all through non-surgical weightloss. These are her words. If you happen to stumble upon this blog, feel free to read along or leave comments.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


As of yesterday morning I am officially down 60lbs!! Quite the milestone, I must say.  Now only two more lbs and I can buy myself a new pair of jeans in honour of my 5lb with loss mini-goal.  No, I still haven't gotten my piercings but I have found the place to get them done. 

Right now my success is mostly due to portion sizing, drinking water more, and cutting back on junk food.  In two months I hope to be down another 15lbs. Winter will be over (54 days til spring!) and I will be walking a lot more.  I live really close to the mall now so I'm getting a February bus pass and will be walking in the mall with all the old folks before the stores open.

Our mall is particularly awesome for this type of walking workout because it is just a long corridor of stores.  Everyone walks up the right side just like on the road.  It's pretty long too so two or three times around and you've been walking twenty minutes.

It's pretty amazing seeing all the groups of elderly people in track suits with water bottles (some even have small weights) in hand speed walking passed talbots and HMV.  You know these people are going to live independently a lot longer than some of their peers, simply because they are moving more.  The more you weigh later in life the harder it is to care for yourself and it can lead to accidents and illness.  So no matter what your age, exercise is a vital part to a healthy lifestyle.  In fact exercising daily prevents more heart related illness and cancers than proper diet alone.  Something to think about.

Oh I feel like a public service announcement. >.<

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hey there goodlookin’

I’ve lost a three more pounds! Two more and I get to buy jeans hehehe. I almost cheated myself out of my goal present by buying jeans the other day but then I put them back and walked away.

Other victories? Well I bought a new coat the other day at an XL instead of XXL, because the XL fit better! (also financial victory it was originally 169.99$ and I got it for 60$) Also got a sweater in the same size.

So how do these small victories make me feel? AMAZING! Lately when I’ve been stepping on the scale it’s either gone up or hasn’t moved or just went down to where it was before.

How’s those new years resolutions going for everyone? Did you throw them out of the window yesterday? Good. Now that you’ve followed suit with everyone else in the world it’s time to jump back up off the ground and get working to a healthy lifestyle. No more crash diets that make you gain weight in the end, no more starving yourself all day and caving in the end to a bag of chips and a bottle of pop. Let’s get off the couch, onto the treadmill (or out the door even though it’s crisp outside) and get moving. Shake what your momma gave ya! Put on your favourite tunes that you can dance to and just jump around the house. Do whatever gets you moving. And be safe about it. Stretch. Consult your doctor before starting any exercise routine.

Hope this helps :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Just a quick update

I have been a bad loser. I ate so much chocolate this week that I’ve probably gained so much weight. And I didn’t start my goal of exercising. I mean I walked to the store and through the mall a bit, but really I’ve been cooped up in my apartment swearing off January. It’s freezing out!

Tomorrow I have an interview to be a weight loss consultant at a weight loss centre. I hope I get the position. I think writing this blog for almost a year now has given me experience in helping people lose weight, even if I don’t have many readers (hi Julie!) I have helped myself through my posts.

So tomorrow, exercise in the am and interview in the pm!

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Goals Have Arrived

Today I realized that I’m starting to fall back a little. I said I’d make up a list of goals and rewards and I never actually did. So I’m doing it…right now.

First goal is to lose five pounds because I’ve been stuck fluctuation between 245 and 250 for way too long and I’d like to see it go below that. And my reward will be something big because I think these five will be a bit of a struggle. I think I will buy myself a new pair of jeans. Nice ones. (hopefully in a size 14 like the last ones I bought)

To lose the five pounds I’m going to stop with the junk food, start with the exercise, more specifically no more chocolate and chips and pop and walking three times a week.

If that doesn’t work I’ll ramp up my exercise to walk five times a week plus muscle work twice a week.

Second goal is to get to 230 (omg I can’t wait!). This will be a smaller reward…something I want. I think I’ll buy myself a new book (book nerd) something I’ve wanted for a long time…oh that Nightmares and Fairytales by Serena Valentino and FSc that I’ve wanted for years! I guess that’s a bit of a big reward but it’s a cheaper one.

After that I think I’ll make a goal of another ten pounds bringing me to 220. By then I’m thinking it’ll be summer, so maybe I’ll buy myself a nice summer dress.

I think that’s good for now.

What are your goals?