Scaling Friends (I wrote this a couple of days ago, just publishing it now)

I think it's time for some shock therapy. I haven't been on the scale in about a week, and I guess I'm basically avoiding it. Terror thy name is scale. I will go on the scale though. When I get home. I'm at my parents house right now doing laundry because my apartment is ghetto and doesn't have laundry facilities and I can't afford the ridiculously priced laundromats.
But I digress. Why this fear of the scale? Scales (unless unjustly tampered with or have fallen ill due to age and pass away) are notorious truth tellers. They will never lie to you. If your scale was a person and the two of you went shopping for the perfect dress, the scale would tell you whether that number makes you look fat or fab. So why avoid this truth-telling friend?
Because although a truthful friend is what you really need, it's not always what you want. Sometimes you want to be naive and have a friend who will tell you that you look great in that 2x too small top that's designer and has an awesome screenprint on it, just so you can feel good, even if you don't look it.
But that's not the friend that gets you to the point where you actually are 2x smaller than you were the first time you tried on your fav designer shirt. Scale is.
At this point I'm not even sure if I'm talking about me going on the scale tonight when I get home or the friends I thought I had way back when. I was naive and that's what got me to that 302 lbs. And I did have friends that were okay with me being naive and went along with it telling me my designer fav was fab when really it was more like ghetto-hideous. Haha. (Not saying that being 302lbs is hideous [because it doesn't matter how much you weigh, weight has nothing to do with beauty inside or out] but being 302lbs in a size XL baby-tee is.) So having the right friends on your side, like the scale, can be a huge help in losing weight.
I no longer have my non-scale friends and I'm quite satisfied with that. I'd rather have no good friends than a few bad ones. And right now I have a good scale at home, that I'm sure is going to tell me that french fries don't count as a vegetable and that chicken fingers are bad for you especially when converted into buffalo fingers.
You know, I think me and my scale are going to start hanging out a little more often. See what kind of mischief we can get ourselves into. Or out of I guess.
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